Galary of pehar
Pehar is village of district balrampur of Indian state uttar pradesh ( 271604)
Here I am going to share the photos of this village.
Demographics of peher |
Pehar road this lead to utraula |
Hari masjid pehar village |
Near hari masjid |
Fakhru's fruits cart |
Adv. Gayasuddin khan house |
Evening time |
Fruit of Kadam tree |
In rainy season |
Sham e pehar |
Morning time |
π outside view |
Phtography by farhan khan |
Cloudy☁️ day |
This is meπ |
Pehar bazar |
Tubewell - pehar |
Pehar Eidgaah |
Rainy season |
Out side view during rainy season |
Hi Safeer, It is good. Are these photographs very recent taken during lockdown. Hows wakeel sahab.
ReplyDeleteYeah, most of the photos captured in lockdown during rainy season.